Analisa Peran Pencegahan Maladministrasi Dalam Positioning Ombudsman Jangka Panjang

Autor(s): Ria Maya Sari, Rosdiana Rosdiana
DOI: 10.36277/jurnaldejure.v13i2.553



This article aims to analyze few issues, which are: the development of Indonesian Ombudsmans model after its 21 years establishment, the comparison of Ombudsmans roles and functions before and after the enactment of Ombudsman Regulation Number 41/2019 concerning the procedures to prevent the maladministration in public services delivery, the analysis of the extent of the prevention roles in Ombudsmans long-term positioning, the potential challenges Ombudsman will deal in implementing its prevention roles which are based on the writers experiences of having been working in Ombudsman Representative Office of East Kalimantan, and the recommendation proposals to tackle such challenges. This paper uses explorative research with qualitative analysis method on various related literatures and academic researches in addition to combine the normative-empiric approach according to the relevant regulations and the writers experience as aforementioned. This article proposes a few recommendations, most importantly: the streghtening of the knowledge and data managements function, the networks of media, as well as the political lobbies to Ombudsmans strategic partners; the necessity of academic research related to Ombudsmans SWOT analysis and the formation of Ombudsmans policy roadmap; and for the long term, to incorporate the Ombudsman into the Constitution for its institutional reinforcement.

Keywords: Knowledge; Maladministration; Prevention; Ombudsman; Public Services


Knowledge; Maladministration; Prevention; Ombudsman; Public Services


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